Başlatan Harun, Haziran 03, 2009, 12:40:41

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Alıntı yapılan: YEVGENI -  Mart 24, 2010, 06:54:02
Denediðinizde izlenimlerinizi yazarsanýz sevinirim..

Deðiþtirecen galiba arabayý yeniyle yavuz abi :)


"Deðiþtirecen galiba arabayý yeniyle yavuz abi"

En az 5 yýl daha bende bu çaylak. Henüz adam ettik haytayý (ki þnorkel ve vinci eksik) ve bir süre tadýný çýkarmak icap eder. Öte yandan araba deðiþtirmektense bir ev alabilmek daha makul bir hamledir..


avrupa yakasýndaki birkaç bayi ile konuþtum daha onlara gelmemiþ yeni model nivalar.
ÇM yi aradým,''bugün çalýþmýyorlar'' dedi güvenlik.


Avtovaz'dan yeni haber...2010 ilk üç ayda Lada 4x4 satýþlarýný 2009 un ayný dönemine göre yüzde 70 oranýnda arttýrmýþ  :o...Bu sonuçla modernize keçiler Rusya'da en çok satýlan 10 araç içinde kendine yer bulmuþ durumda...(rusçadan çeviri:yahoo babelfish)

AvtoVAZ (Volga Automobile Producing Association): sales LADA of 4[kh]4 grew by 70% in I quarter 2010
In three first months of 2010 in Russia are sold 8,6 thousand automobiles LADA of 4[kh]4, which to 70% is greater than during the same period of 2009
On the sums of the first quarter the famous extra-road builder of AvtoVAZ (Volga Automobile Producing Association) entered into tens of models of passenger automobiles most sold on the domestic market and he became here the leader of an increase in sales.
In March 2010 goal the realization LADA of 4[kh]4 increased almost two in the comparison since March 2009, and this - second result on an increase in sales in the first tens of Russian markets for passenger automobiles.
And in March, and on the sums of the I quarter of 2010 of the model of AvtoVAZ (Volga Automobile Producing Association) occupy half of the rating of ' ' Thor 10' ' the most sold in Russia new passenger automobiles
In this case in the portion LADA is fallen more than half of sales into Thor 10


Mayýs 2010 da Lada satýþlarý,2009 mayýs ayýna göre yüzde 61,6 yükselmiþ....(rusçadan çeviri:yahoo babelfish)

АВТОВАЗ: продажи LADA выросли на 61,6%
49 911 автомобилей LADA составил общий объем реализации в мае 2010 года.
45 521 автомобиль LADA был продан в мае 2010 года на российском рынке. Это на 61,6% больше, чем в мае 2009 года (28 163 шт.).
За 5 месяцев 2010 года (с января по май) на внутреннем рынке реализовано 169 602 машины LADA - на 12,3% больше первых пяти месяцев 2009 года.
На экспорт в мае отправлено 4 390 автомобилей - всего за 5 месяцев 2010 года за рубеж уехали 14 680 LADA.
AvtoVAZ (Volga Automobile Producing Association): sales LADA grew by 61,6%
49 911 automobiles LADA composed the total volume of realization in May 2010
45 521 automobiles LADA it was sold in May 2010 on the Russian market. This to 61,6% is greater than in May 2009 (28 163 pcs). In 5 months of 2010 (since January until May) on the domestic market realized 169 602 machines LADA - to 12,3% it is more than first five months of 2009.For the export are in May sent 4 390 automobiles - only in 5 months of 2010 for the boundary left 14 680 LADA


Temmuz ayý verileri Lada nýn satýþlarýndaki yükseliþin devam ettiðni belgemiþ

AvtoVAZ (Volga Automobile Producing Association): the continuation of an increase in sales in July

In seven months of 2010 on the domestic market realized 272,6 thousand automobiles LADA, of them according to the program of utilization - 93,6 thousand pieces. In January- July sales of automobiles LADA in Russia grew by 28,4% in comparison with the analogous period of 2009
In July 2010 on the domestic market sold 51,8 thousand automobiles LADA, which almost to 60% is more than in the same month of last year.
In July according to the program of the utilization realized 24,5 thousand automobiles LADA, which for 7,7% is more than the value of June

On the families of sale of automobiles LADA in Russia on the sums seven months of 2010 comprised (to 7 mo. of 2009 g.)
- LADA Of priora - 70,8 thousand pcs (+12%);
- LADA 2105/2107 - 68,8 thousand pcs (+63,3%);
- LADA Of samara - about 58 thousand pcs (+5%);
- LADA Of kalina - 51,3 thousand pcs (+34%);
- LADA of 4X4 - 23,7 thousand pcs (+76,7%).
For the export are in July sent 3,2 thousand automobiles LADA, only in seven months of 2010 - of almost 21 thousand automobiles.

STI Performance

Bir fransýz sitesinde rastladý olduðunu pek anlamadým ama þu 2015 le ilgili olsa gerek...böyle biþey nasýl olurda çýkarmazlar anlamadým....belkide çýkar kimbilir...

k. yusuf

sanýrým kiþisel bir çizim ancak daha güzel bir geri dönüþ olamazdý. ana hatlar çok güzel korunmuþ.  geri dönüþ demiþken kim gitti ki geri dönsün ;D


bizim keçilerin Euro 5 standardýnda olanlarý 2011 baþý itibariyle batý avrupa da görünmeye baþlayacakmýþ.

АВТОВАЗ: LADA 4х4 в комплектации ''Евро-5''

В октябре 2010 года АВТОВАЗ начинает выпуск экспортных трехдверных LADA 4х4 в комплектации под экологический стандарт ''Евро-5'', который вступит в действие в Западной Европе с 1 января 2011 года. Помимо внедорожников, по новым эконормам сертифицированы и автомобили семейств LADA Kalina и LADA Priora с 16-клапанными моторами. Производство экспортных Kalina и Priora в версии под ''Евро-5'' начнется в январе 2011 года. Автомобили для внутреннего рынка будут по-прежнему производиться в комплектации под стандарт ''Евро-3'', в соответствии с действующим в России законодательством.
''Евро-5'' отличается от действующего сегодня в Европе ''Евро-4'' более жесткими требованиями: в том числе по ''Евро-4'' автомобили должны выполнять нормы токсичности после пробега в 100 тыс. км, а ''Евро-5'' требует соответствия экологическим параметрам после 160 тыс. км.
Для выполнения нового стандарта в автомобилях LADA сделаны конструктивные нововведения: электронная педаль акселератора, дроссельный патрубок с электромеханическим приводом заслонки, датчик массового расхода воздуха нового поколения с цифровым выходным сигналом; применено современное программное обеспечение контролера электронной системы управления двигателем (ЭСУД), при этом габариты контролера вдвое уменьшены. Помимо новой ЭСУД, с переходом на стандарт ''Евро-5'' автомобили LADA получили модернизированные нейтрализаторы, где оптимизирован объем рабочей поверхности и улучшено качество покрытия (увеличено содержание драгметаллов - палладия и родия). После модернизации автомобили LADA стали выполнять нормы ''Евро-5'', выброс CO2 сократился до 150 г на км, что соответствует европейским требованиям, вступающим в силу в 2011 г. (более высокая эмиссия СО2 ведет к штрафам). Все работы по инжинирингу, калибровкам и испытанию новых узлов проведены специалистами НТЦ АВТОВАЗа

LADA of 4x4 in the assembly of  Euros 5

In October 2010 AvtoVAZ (Volga Automobile Producing Association) begins the release of export three-door LADA of 4x4 in the assembly under the ecological standard of  Euros 5 , which will enter the action in Western Europe since January 1, 2011.
Euros 5 differs from that acting today in Europe Euros 4 by the more stringent requirements: including on Euros 4 automobiles must carry out the standards of toxicity after path in 100 thousand.Euros 5 it requires the correspondence to the ecological parameters after 160 thousand km.For fulfilling the new standard in the automobiles LADA are made the design innovations:electronic accelerator pedal, choke branch pipe with the electromechanical drive of shutter, the sensor air mass flow of the new generation with the digital output signal; is used contemporary software of a controller of the electronic system of engine control ([ESUD]), in this case the overall sizes of controller are twice reduced.Besides new [ESUD], with the passage to the standard of ' ' Euros -5' ' automobiles LADA obtained the modernized neutralizers, where the volume of working surface was optimized and the quality of the coating (increased the content of precious metals - palladium and rhodium) is improved.After modernization the automobiles LADA began to carry out the standards of ' ' Euros -5' ' , ejection CO2 was reduced until 150 by km, which corresponds to the European requirements, effective in 2011. (higher emission [SO]2 it leads to the penalties). All work on Engineering, calibrations and testing of new units is carried out by the specialists [NTTS] of AvtoVAZ (Volga Automobile Producing Association).


Aracýn ithal edilebilmesi için mecburen dünya standartlarýna uymasý için euro 5 emisyon normuna geçmeleri gerekiyor




Renault'un Dacia Duster platformunu kullanabileceðine dair spekülasyon mevcut.
Küreselleþme sen nelere kadirsin..


aynen duster kopyasý olmuþ,ön ve arkadaki metalik zýmbýrtýlar...


motoru deðiþtirsinler, içini daha modern daha konforlu yapsýnlar, yürüyenini güçlendirsinler titreþimsizleþtirsinler diðer araçlarla ortak kullanýp maliyeti düþürsünler lafým yok da, kasayý deðiþtirmeseler :( nivayý niva yapan onca yuvarlak hatlý topa benzer arabanýn arasýnda o kutu görüntüsü

gerçi çizimlerde ön farlarýn bakýþýný korumuþlar, takdir etmedim deðil. yine de eðer bildiðimiz kutu kasalar tamamen kalkacaksa en son çýkan 2010 modelleri 20 sene sonra alýp toplarýz artýk
Ýzmir'den Moðolistan'a:


Bunlar prototip çizimler, üretime geçip geçmediklerini bilmek gerek.
Klasik Niva çizgilerini taþýmýþlar ama Renault'un ortak platform kullanmak adýna (malum maliyet düþürmek) Niva'yý maymun etmesine üzülürüm. Mekaniði de sanýrým sürekli 4 çeker olmaktan çýkar.

Kerem bu arada titreþim, vs sürekli 4 çeker tüm araçlarda mevcut, bunun önüne geçmek pek mümkün deðil..